The correct way to do yoga table pose

< strong>The correct way to do yoga table pose!

People who love fitness training will have an understanding of various types of exercise, and in yoga programs, there are many movements that are actually very helpful for daily fitness!

For example, the Pigeon Pose can help you improve the mobility of your hip joints and stretch your hip muscles! For example, the bridge pose is a great way to train your hip muscles and core stability!

Today we would like to recommend another very good yoga action to you: table pose!

Benefits of yoga table pose:

1: Activate the hips and core (because it is necessary to stabilize the spine).

Two: Stretch the psoas muscles (hip extension accompanied by hip contraction and lumbar spine stabilization = psoas muscle stretching).

Three: Stretch the chest and shoulders.

For people with a tight upper body, when performing this movement, the chest/shoulders will stretch more than the hip joints (or in other words, shoulder flexibility will limit hip joint extension). This is one of the great stretches.

The following are some movement tips and precautions

First of all: you need to work hard to push your hips upward and tighten your butt, rather than push your waist upward< /p>

The position of the arms and calves is close to parallel and perpendicular to the ground

Open the knee joint outwards so that it faces the direction of the toes, so as not to cause knee valgus